Getting started =============== Installation ------------ Install the latest version of the FileTransfer Tool from PyPI with this command: .. code-block:: bash pip install ansys-tools-filetransfer You should use a `virtual environment `_ because it keeps Python packages isolated from your system Python. Usage ----- To begin using the FileTransfer Tool, import the package with this command: .. code-block:: python import as ft The FileTransfer Tool API contains a single class, :class:`.Client`, which is used to communicate with the server. You instantiate this class with the server address and port number: .. code-block:: python client = ft.Client.from_server_address("localhost:50052") Alternatively, you can instantiate the :class:`.Client` with the :class:`grpc.Channel` class: .. code-block:: python import grpc channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:50052") client = ft.Client(channel) The preceding code allows you to change how the channel is created. Following instantiation, you can use the client to upload and download files: .. code-block:: python client.upload_file(local_filename="file_local.txt", remote_filename="file_remote.txt") client.download_file(remote_filename="file_remote.txt", local_filename="file_local_copy.txt")